Wednesday, March 23, 2011

On-line Assignment Results

Karrah Pfeiffer's Critique

Annie Loughridge
In this project she could have used repetition by making a word repeat like optimistic in the background. She could have used different scale for some of the words, like friendly, optimistic and Artistic look all the same size to me. With hierarchy she could have made the A standout in artistic as the focus point by putting a darker border around it and maybe a different color then the whole word. Laid back seems like more could have been done with it, it could be adjusted by using different font and make it smaller or even by repeating it down the page. I would use a different color because when I think of a laidback person the person is chill and the darker colors i think describe that more then a lighter one.

Mike Meleski
In this project he could have used Hierarchy because I don't know where to look first and it he made one word the focus point it would be more clear. the Scale seems like everything is big on the left side and making it heavier compared to the right maybe make Cool smaller and a letter in happy bigger. Repetition could of been use by taking a word and repearing it throughout the project maybe then the left wouldn't look heavier then the right. Happy seems like if he didn't fill it in with a design it wouldn't look so happy, maybe making the H bigger and the Y to make it look like a smile more maybe cut a line through the middle to look like a face smilingthen add a bright/warm color.

Bobbi - Jo
In this project all the words seem to be on the same scale size, they should have made some of the words smaller so they don't look like a blob. the Hierarchy could have been made better because I don't know if I'm suppose to start with hardworking or determined and even though one is blue and the other is black they seem close in color too. Maybe of added a little repetition by making determind go down the page at the end of the 1st one. With confident I would use a different font because it looks the same as intelligent and when I think of confident I think of big bold letters they seem to have the meaning of confident compared to the font that is on there now.

Justin Doyle
The scale stands out to me the most because when I look at it like 3 of the words are the same size and they are overpowering the whole page. I'm not sure where the focal point is if it reiliable or hardworking or outgoing. It seems very well balanced with the pos. and neg. space. The one word i would put more work into is Athletic even though it's in a font that looks athletic maybe add a color or a different way to put it on the paper.

Sandra Warren
Make the focal point stand out because I don't know where my eye should go to first when I look at it. The size of the words look almost the same maybe make some smaller and some bigger and keep some in the middle. Use some repetition on a word because there seems to be more neg. space then pos. space and adding it will help with the space problem. With Happy maybe using a different color and maybe not having it on an angle it would look happier and make it look like a smile by making the H and Y a little bigger and expand the word as well.

Karrah Pfeiffer

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